Cannot communicate with KOS&OSS-ECU using the scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE). | 1 | |
The keyless operation key cannot be registered using the scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE). | 2 | |
Abnormality in KOS&OSS-ECU power supply and ground circuits. | 3 | |
Keyless operation warning display does not disappear. | 4 | |
No door will be locked or unlocked by operating a lock/unlock switch on any door. | 5 | |
Front door lock/unlock switch does not work. | 6 | |
The lock switch and open switch of the liftgate lock release handle do not work. | 7 | |
Keyless entry function does not work. | 8 | |
KOS timer lock function does not work. | 9 | |
Keyless entry hazard answer back function does not work normally. | 10 | |
Multimode keyless entry function does not work at all. <Up to 18 Model year> | 11 | |
Keyless operation tone alarm does not sound. | 12 | |
Vehicle power does not turn "ON" (Not possible with both of power supply mode "ACC" and "ON"). | 13 | |
Engine does not start (Cranking is not performed). | 14 | |
Vehicle power cannot be turned "OFF" when the shift position is in P (Power supply mode "ON" to "ACC" is possible). | 15 | |
ACC power auto cut function does not work normally. | 16 | |
Vehicle power cannot be turned "OFF." | 17 | |