Trouble symptomInspection Procedure No.Reference page
None of the high-beam headlights illuminate.1
The headlights (low-beam) illuminate regardless of the lighting switch positions. (High-beam does not illuminate)2
The headlights do not illuminate when the passing switch is turned ON.3
The high-beam indicator light does not illuminate.4
The headlight automatic shutdown function does not work normally.5
The auto light function does not work normally <Vehicles with lighting control sensor>.6
One of the position lights, the license plate lights or the taillights does not illuminate.7<Up to 20 Model year>, <From 22 Model year>
The LED headlight warning light illuminates. <Up to 20 Model year>8
The welcome light function does not work normally.9
The coming home light function does not work normally.10
None of the taillights (position light) illuminate.Refer to Rear Combination Light - Troubleshooting - Trouble Symptom Chart .