1.Insulation resistance check of 120V AC socket (floor console)
2.Insulation resistance check of 120V AC socket (luggage room)
3.Insulation resistance check of wiring harness between AC inverter and 120V AC socket
(1) Disconnect the AC power supply connector (H6) from the AC inverter, and measure the insulation resistance at the wiring harness side. | + terminal | – terminal | Normal condition | AC+ (No. 2) terminal | Body ground | 10 MΩ or more | AC– (No. 2) terminal |
Is the check result normal?
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness in power supply line between the AC inverter and 120V AC socket.
4.Insulation resistance check of AC inverter
5.Check whether the DTC is set again.
Is the DTC set?
The trouble can be an intermittent malfunction (Refer to General Information - How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points, How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunctions HOW TO COPE WITH INTERMITTENT MALFUNCTIONS