1.M.U.T.-IIISE other DTC check
2.M.U.T.-IIISE other DTC check
Check whether the PHEV-ECU sets the following DTC.- DTC No. P0AA1-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Positive Contactor Circuit Stuck Closed
- DTC No. P0AA4-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Negative Contactor Circuit Stuck Closed
- DTC No. P0ADB-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Positive Contactor Control Circuit Low
- DTC No. P0ADC-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Positive Contactor Control Circuit High
- DTC No. P0ADF-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Negative Contactor Control Circuit Low
- DTC No. P0AE0-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Negative Contactor Control Circuit High
- DTC No. P0AE2-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Precharge Contactor Circuit Stuck Closed
- DTC No. P0AE6-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Precharge Contactor "A" Control Circuit Low
- DTC No. P0AE7-00 Hybrid/EV Battery Precharge Contactor "A" Control Circuit High
- DTC No. P0C78-00 Hybrid/EV Battery System Precharge Time Too Long
Is the DTC set?
3.M.U.T.-IIISE other system data list
Check the following BMU data list.- Item No. 1030: Total Voltage of Battery
OK: More than 240 V
Is the check result normal?
4.Check of high-voltage terminal (P, N line) of power drive unit.
danger | - Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
- Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
Is the check result normal?
5.Check of the high-voltage terminal of the drive battery (front side)
danger | - Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
- Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
Is the check result normal?
6.Visually check the drive battery front cable
danger | - Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
- Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
Visually check that there is no burnout, damage, foreign material on the cable between the drive battery and power drive unit.
Is the check result normal?
7.Test the OBD-II drive cycle.
(1) Carry out a test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to OBD-II Drive Cycle OBD-II DRIVE CYCLE
. (2) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
The trouble can be an intermittent malfunction (Refer to General Information - How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points, How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunctions HOW TO COPE WITH INTERMITTENT MALFUNCTIONS
8.Test the OBD-II drive cycle.
(1) Carry out a test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to OBD-II Drive Cycle OBD-II DRIVE CYCLE
. (2) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
Retry the troubleshooting.
The procedure is complete.