All kinds of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) can be monitored by carrying out a short drive according to the following 9 drive cycle patterns. In other words, doing such a drive regenerates any kind of trouble which involves illuminating the Malfunction Indicator light (SERVICE ENGINE SOON or Check Engine light) and verifies that the trouble has been eliminated [The Malfunction Indicator light (SERVICE ENGINE SOON or Check Engine light) is no longer illuminated].
cautionTwo technicians should always be in the vehicle when carrying out a test.
noteCheck that the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is not set before driving the OBD-II drive cycle. Erase the DTC if it has been set.
Power drive unit microcomputer malfunctionP0A1B-001
Front motor coil temperature sensor (U-phase)Rationality-correlationP0A2B-002
Range check-minP0A2C-001
Range check-maxP0A2D-00
Front motor coil temperature (U-phase)HighP0A2F-001
Generator coil temperature sensorRationality-correlationP0A37-002
Range check-minP0A38-001
Range check-maxP0A39-00
Generator coil temperatureHighP0A3B-001
FEMCU IGBT temperature (U-phase H1)HighP0A3C-001
GCU IGBT temperature (U-phase H)HighP0A3E-001
Front motor resolver malfunctionP0A3F-00, P0A40-001
Generator position sensor malfunctionP0A4B-00, P0A4C-001
Front motor overspeedP0A44-006
Front motor demagnetizationP0A90-006
Generator demagnetizationP0A92-008
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (U-phase H1)Rationality-correlationP0AEE-003
Range check-minP0AEF-001
Range check-maxP0AF0-00
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (V-phase H1)Rationality-correlationP0AF3-003
Range check-minP0AF4-001
Range check-maxP0AF5-00
GCU IGBT temperature sensor (U-phase H)Rationality-correlationP0BCD-003
Range check-minP0BCE-001
Range check-maxP0BCF-00
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (W-phase H1)Rationality-correlationP0BD2-003
Range check-minP0BD3-001
Range check-maxP0BD4-00
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (U-phase L1)Rationality-correlationP0BD7-003
Range check-minP0BD8-001
Range check-maxP0BD9-00
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (V-phase L1)Rationality-correlationP0BDC-003
Range check-minP0BDD-001
Range check-maxP0BDE-00
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (W-phase L1)Rationality-correlationP0BE1-003
Range check-minP0BE2-001
Range check-maxP0BE3-00
FEMCU current sensor (U-phase)Rationality-correlationP0BE6-001
Range check-minP0BE7-00
Range check-maxP0BE8-00
FEMCU current sensor (V-phase)Rationality-correlationP0BEA-001
Range check-minP0BEB-00
Range check-maxP0BEC-00
FEMCU current sensor (W-phase)Rationality-correlationP0BEE-001
Range check-minP0BEF-00
Range check-maxP0BF0-00
FEMCU current sensor 3-phase calculation malfunctionP0BFD-005
Front motor currentHighP0C01-005
Deviation malfunctionP0C05-006
Front motor resolver malfunctionP0C52-00, P0C53-00, P0C5C-00, P0C5D-001
Generator resolver malfunctionP0C66-00, P0C67-00, P0C6B-00, P0C6C-001
Power drive unit V1 voltageHighP0C79-005
Power drive unit V1 voltage sensorRationality-correlationP0D2E-004
Range check-minP0D2F-001
Range check-maxP0D30-00
Rear motor voltage sensorRationality-correlationP0DA4-004
GCU IGBT temperature sensor (V-phase H)Rationality-correlationP0DF4-003
Range check-minP0DF5-001
Range check-maxP0DF6-00
GCU IGBT temperature sensor (W-phase H)Rationality-correlationP0DF7-003
Range check-minP0DF8-001
Range check-maxP0DF9-00
GCU current sensor 3-phase calculation malfunctionP0DFA-008
GCU current sensor (U-phase)Rationality-correlationP0E01-004
Range check-minP0E02-001
Range check-maxP0E03-00
GCU current sensor (V-phase)Rationality-correlationP0E05-004
Range check-minP0E06-001
Range check-maxP0E07-00
GCU current sensor (W-phase)Rationality-correlationP0E09-004
Range check-minP0E0A-001
Range check-maxP0E0B-001
Generator current deviation malfunctionP0E0C-008
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (U-phase H2)Rationality-correlationP0E24-003
Range check-minP0E25-001
Range check-maxP0E26-00
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (V-phase H2)Rationality-correlationP0E29-003
Range check-minP0E2A-001
Range check-maxP0E2B-00
Power drive unit V2M voltage sensorRationality-correlationP0E8D-004
Range check-minP0E8E-001
Range check-maxP0E8F-00
Reactor current sensorRange check-maxP3005-171
Range check-minP3006-16
Power drive unit V0 voltage sensorRange check-maxP3008-171
Range check-minP3009-16
Power drive unit V2S voltage sensorRange check-maxP300B-171
Range check-minP300C-161
Power drive unit V2 voltage sensor deviation malfunctionP300E-1C6
Power drive unit V1 voltageLowP3010-166
Power drive unit V2M voltageLowP3011-166
Power drive unit V0 voltageHighP3013-176
Power drive unit V2S voltageHighP3014-176
VCU V0 voltage control malfunctionP3015-1C6
FEMCU gate driver power supply malfunctionP3016-165
FEMCU IGBT currentHighP3017-196
VCU gate driver power supply malfunctionP3018-165
VCU IGBT currentHighP3019-196
Reactor currentHighP301A-196
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (W-phase H2)Range check-maxP301B-171
Range check-minP301C-16
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (U-phase L2)Range check-maxP301E-171
Range check-minP301F-16
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (V-phase L2)Range check-maxP3021-171
Range check-minP3022-16
FEMCU IGBT temperature sensor (W-phase L2)Range check-maxP3024-171
Range check-minP3025-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S1-1 phase)Range check-maxP3027-171
Range check-minP3028-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S2-1 phase)Range check-maxP302A-171
Range check-minP302B-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S3-1 phase)Range check-maxP302D-171
Range check-minP302E-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S4-1 phase)Range check-maxP3030-171
Range check-minP3031-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S1-2 phase)Range check-maxP3033-171
Range check-minP3034-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S2-2 phase)Range check-maxP3036-171
Range check-minP3037-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S3-2 phase)Range check-maxP3039-171
Range check-minP303A-16
VCU IGBT temperature sensor (S4-2 phase)Range check-maxP303C-171
Range check-minP303D-16
FEMCU IGBT temperature (V-phase H1)HighP303F-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (W-phase H1)HighP3040-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (U-phase L1)HighP3041-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (V-phase L1)HighP3042-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (W-phase L1)HighP3043-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (U-phase H2)HighP3044-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (V-phase H2)HighP3045-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (W-phase H2)HighP3046-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (U-phase L2)HighP3047-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (V-phase L2)HighP3048-981
FEMCU IGBT temperature (W-phase L2)HighP3049-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S1-1 phase)HighP304A-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S2-1 phase)HighP304B-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S3-1 phase)HighP304C-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S4-1 phase)HighP304D-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S1-2 phase)HighP304E-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S2-2 phase)HighP304F-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S3-2 phase)HighP3050-981
VCU IGBT temperature (S4-2 phase)HighP3051-981
Front motorcoil temperature sensor (V-phase)Range check-maxP3052-171
Range check-minP3053-16
Front motorcoil temperature sensor (W-phase)Range check-maxP3055-171
Range check-minP3056-16
Front motorcoil temperature (V-phase)HighP3058-981
Front motorcoil temperature (W-phase)HighP3059-981
Oil temperature sensorRange check-maxP305A-171
Range check-minP305B-16
Oil temperatureHighP305D-981
Condenser temperature sensor (C0)Range check-maxP305E-171
Range check-minP305F-16
Condenser temperature sensor (C2)Range check-maxP3061-171
Range check-minP3062-16
Condenser temperature (C0)HighP3064-981
Condenser temperature (C2)HighP3065-981
Reactor temperature sensorRange check-maxP3066-171
Range check-minP3067-16
Reactor temperatureHighP3069-981
Power drive unit circuit board temperature sensor 1Range check-maxP306A-171
Range check-minP306B-16
Power drive unit circuit board temperature sensor 2Range check-maxP306D-171
Range check-minP306E-16
Power drive unit circuit board temperature 1HighP3070-981
Power drive unit circuit board temperature 2HighP3071-981
Power drive unit AD module malfunctionP3072-491
Power drive unit EEPROM malfunctionP3073-461
Electric oil pumpStuck ONP3074-7E5
Stuck OFFP3075-7F
Oil Leak malfunctionP3076-7A9
Power drive unit torque control malfunctionP307C-046
Power drive unit gate shutdown circuit malfunctionP307D-041
Power drive unit LSI communication malfunctionP307F-611
GCU gate driver power supply malfunctionP30A1-167
GCU IGBT currentHighP30A2-198
Generator currentHighP30A3-198
GCU IGBT temperature sensor (U-phase L)Range check-maxP30A4-171
Range check-minP30A5-16
GCU IGBT temperature sensor (V-phase L)Range check-maxP30A7-171
Range check-minP30A8-16
GCU IGBT temperature sensor (W-phase L)Range check-maxP30AA-171
Range check-minP30AB-16
GCU IGBT temperature (V-phase H)HighP30AD-981
GCU IGBT temperature (W-phase H)HighP30AE-981
GCU IGBT temperature (U-phase L)HighP30AF-981
GCU IGBT temperature (V-phase L)HighP30B0-981
GCU IGBT temperature (W-phase L)HighP30B1-981
LIN communication malfunctionU1E30-08, U1E31-081
CAN communication malfunctionU1E33-87, U1E34-87, U1E35-87, U1E36-87, U1E37-83, U1E38-831
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON.
  2. Wait for 5 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Change the drive mode to the battery charge mode to start the engine, then wait for 5 seconds or more. Or, drive the vehicle at 5 km/h (3 mph) or more for several seconds.
  3. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to OFF.
  4. Lock the doors and wait for 2 hours and 20 minutes or more.
  5. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  6. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Change the drive mode to the battery charge mode to start the engine, then wait for 5 seconds or more. Or, drive the vehicle at 5 km/h (3 mph) or more for several seconds.
  3. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to OFF.
  4. Lock the doors and wait for 30 minutes or more.
  5. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  6. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON.
  2. Wait for 10 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Drive the vehicle at 20 km/h (13 mph) or more for 20 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Drive the vehicle at 70 km/h (45 mph) or more for 10 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.
Inspection conditionSOC: 70% or less (Check it by PHEV-ECU data list item No. 2600: State of charge for control)
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Change the drive mode to the battery charge mode to start the engine.
  3. Drive the vehicle at 20 km/h (13 mph) or more for 20 seconds or more.
  4. Check that the DTC is not set.
Inspection conditionSOC: 70% or less (Check it by PHEV-ECU data list item No. 2600: State of charge for control)
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Change the drive mode to the battery charge mode to start the engine.
  3. Drive the vehicle at 70 km/h (45 mph) or more for 10 seconds or more.
  4. Check that the DTC is not set.
Inspection condition
  • SOC: 70% or less (Check it by PHEV-ECU data list item No. 2600: State of charge for control)
  • Oil temperature: 0°C (32°F) or more (Check it by power drive unit data list item No. 200: PDU OIL TEMP)
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Change the drive mode to the battery charge mode to start the engine.
  3. Drive the vehicle at 70 km/h (45 mph) or more for 10 seconds or more.
  4. Check that the DTC is not set.
All kinds of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) can be monitored by carrying out a short drive according to the following 6 drive cycle patterns. In other words, doing such a drive regenerates any kind of trouble which involves illuminating the Malfunction Indicator light (SERVICE ENGINE SOON or Check Engine light) and verifies that the trouble has been eliminated [The Malfunction Indicator light (SERVICE ENGINE SOON or Check Engine light) is no longer illuminated].
cautionTwo technicians should always be in the vehicle when carrying out a test.
noteCheck that the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is not set before driving the OBD-II drive cycle. Erase the DTC if it has been set.
REMCU microcomputer malfunctionP0A1C-001
Rear motor coil temperature sensor 1Rationality-correlationP0A31-002
Range check-minP0A32-001
Range check-maxP0A33-00
Rear motor coil temperature 1HighP0A35-001
REMCU IGBT temperature 1HighP0A3D-001
Rear motor resolver malfunctionP0A45-00, P0A46-001
Rear motor overspeedP0A4A-006
Rear motor demagnetizationP0A91-005
REMCU current sensor 1Rationality-correlationP0BF2-004
Range check-minP0BF3-001
Range check-maxP0BF4-00
REMCU current sensor 2Rationality-correlationP0BF6-004
Range check-minP0BF7-001
Range check-maxP0BF8-00
REMCU current sensor 3Rationality-correlationP0BFA-004
Range check-minP0BFB-001
Range check-maxP0BFC-00
REMCU current sensor 3-phase calculation malfunctionP0BFE-006
Rear motor currentHighP0C04-006
Rear motor 3-phase circuit malfunctionP0C08-006
Rear motor resolver malfunctionP0C57-00, P0C58-00, P0C61-00, P0C62-001
Rear motor voltageHighP0C7A-006
Rear motor voltage sensorRange check-minP0DA5-001
Range check-maxP0DA6-00
Rear motor voltageLowP30D1-166
REMCU gate driver malfunctionP30D2-046
REMCU IGBT temperature sensor 1Range check-maxP30D3-171
Range check-minP30D4-16
REMCU IGBT temperature sensor 2Range check-maxP30D6-171
Range check-minP30D7-16
REMCU IGBT temperature sensor 3Range check-maxP30D9-171
Range check-minP30DA-16
REMCU IGBT temperature sensor 4Range check-maxP30DC-171
Range check-minP30DD-16
REMCU IGBT temperature sensor 5Range check-maxP30DF-171
Range check-minP30E0-16
REMCU IGBT temperature sensor 6Range check-maxP30E2-171
Range check-minP30E3-16
REMCU IGBT temperature 2HighP30E8-981
REMCU IGBT temperature 3HighP30E9-981
REMCU IGBT temperature 4HighP30EA-981
REMCU IGBT temperature 5HighP30EB-981
REMCU IGBT temperature 6HighP30EC-981
Rear motor coil temperature sensor 2Range check-maxP30ED-171
Range check-minP30EE-16
Rear motor coil temperature 2HighP30EF-981
REMCU condenser temperature sensorRange check-maxP30F0-171
Range check-minP30F1-16
REMCU internal temperature sensorRationality-correlationP30F2-1C2
REMCU condenser temperatureHighP30F3-981
REMCU circuit board temperature sensorRange check-maxP30F4-171
Range check-minP30F5-161
REMCU circuit board temperatureHighP30F6-981
REMCU AD module malfunctionP30F7-491
REMCU EEPROM malfunctionP30F8-461
CAN communication malfunctionU1E70-87, U1E71-87, U1E72-83, U1E73-831
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON.
  2. Wait for 5 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Change the drive mode to the battery charge mode to start the engine, then wait for 5 seconds or more. Or, drive the vehicle at 5 km/h (3 mph) or more for several seconds.
  3. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to OFF.
  4. Lock the doors and wait for 2 hours and 20 minutes or more.
  5. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  6. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Change the drive mode to the battery charge mode to start the engine, then wait for 5 seconds or more. Or, drive the vehicle at 5 km/h (3 mph) or more for several seconds.
  3. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to OFF.
  4. Lock the doors and wait for 30 minutes or more.
  5. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  6. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON.
  2. Wait for 10 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Drive the vehicle at 20 km/h (13 mph) or more for 20 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.
Test procedure
  1. Change the power supply mode of the electric motor switch to ON (READY indicator: ON).
    noteWhen a DTC is set, you cannot turn ON the READY indicator.
  2. Drive the vehicle at 70 km/h (45 mph) or more for 10 seconds or more.
  3. Check that the DTC is not set.