DTC P0C04: Overcurrent in motor
DTC P10CF: Three-phase line fails
  • When servicing the high voltage system parts, always shut off the high voltage by removing the service plug (Refer to ).
  • When servicing the high voltage system parts, always wear the protective equipment or armor to measure the high voltage (Refer to ).
  • V and W-phase coil current is directly measured while U-phase current is calculated.
  • When the maximum of three phase current exceeds 700 ampere the IGBT will temporarily shutdown for 0.2 second.
  • V and W-phase coil current is directly measured and compared to the target current.
  • An open/short circuit in the three phase motor is detected by comparing actual current of V-phase and W-phase of each motor to the target current which is calculated from the PHEV-ECU torque request.
  • Continuous
Other Monitor (There is no temporary DTC stored in memory for the item monitored below)
  • Not applicable
Sensor (The sensor below is determined to be normal)
  • Not applicable
Logic Flow Chart <DTC P0C04>
Check Conditions <DTC P0C04>
  • The IGBT status of REMCU is on (Active).
Judgment Criterion <DTC P0C04>
  • The drive motor current-high switch is turned ON 3 times within 60 seconds.
Logic Flow Chart <DTC P10CF>
Check Conditions <DTC P10CF>
  • The IGBT status of REMCU is on (Active).
Judgment Criterion <DTC P10CF>
  • The absolute value of the difference between the value of target current and the value of actual current is 50 amperes or more for 3 times within 60 seconds.
  • Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 4 .
  • Three-phase wire in the high-voltage wiring harness fails
  • Malfunction of the rear motor/rear transaxle assembly
  • Malfunction of the REMCU
  • Resolver wiring harness fails

Required Special Tools
  • MB991223: Wiring harness set
  • MB992006: Extra fine probe
STEP 1. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE), check whether the DTC is set.
Check if the DTC P0A45 is set in the REMCU.
Is the DTC set?
Carry out troubleshooting for the DTC P0A45 (Refer to ). Then go to Step 9.
Go to Step 2.
STEP 2. Check the rear motor assembly.
Drive the vehicle to check whether there is abnormal sound or rotation trouble in the rear motor.
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 3.
Replace the rear motor/rear transaxle assembly (Refer to ). Then go to Step 9.
STEP 3. Check the high-voltage terminal.
  • Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
  • Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
(1) Shut down the high voltage (Refer to ).
(2) Check that the following cable (REMCU side) is tightened to the specified torque.
  • Rear motor cable connection (REMCU side) (Refer to ).
  • Drive battery rear cable (P, N line) connection (REMCU side) (Refer to ).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 4.
Tighten the rear motor cable (REMCU side) and the drive battery rear cable (P, N line) (REMCU side) to the specified torque. (Refer to .) Then go to Step 9.
STEP 4. Check the high-voltage terminal.
  • Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
  • Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
Check that the following cable (rear motor side) is tightened to the specified torque.
  • Rear motor cable connection (rear motor side) (Refer to ).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 5.
Tighten the rear motor cable (rear motor side) to the specified torque (Refer to ). Then go to Step 9.
STEP 5. Check the REMCU connector
Check the REMCU connector (S1 line, S2 line, S3 line, S4 line, R1 line and R2 line) visually for semi-fitting, damage, moisture/foreign matter intrusion.
Is the check result normal?
Go to step 6.
: Properly fit the REMCU connector. Then go to Step 9.
: Replace the wiring harness (S1 line, S2 line, S3 line, S4 line, R1 line and R2 line). Then go to Step 9.
: Replace the wiring harness (S1 line, S2 line, S3 line, S4 line, R1 line and R2 line) and REMCU (Refer to ). Then go to Step 9.
: Replace the REMCU (Refer to ). Then go to Step 9.
STEP 6. Resolver resistance check
(1) Disconnect the REMCU connector.
(2) Measure the resistance between the rear motor connector terminals.
Terminal symbolNormal value
R1-R229 - 38Ω
S1-S370 - 92Ω
S2-S460 - 83Ω
Is the check result normal?
Replace the rear motor assembly (Refer to ). Then go to Step 8.
Go to Step 7.
STEP 7. Resistance measurement between the REMCU connector and the rear motor assembly connector (S1 line, S2 line, S3 line, S4 line, R1 line and R2 line)
(1) Remove the wiring harness (S1 line, S2 line, S3 line, S4 line, R1 line and R2 line).
(2) Check the continuity of wring harness (S1 line, S2 line, S3 line, S4 line, R1 line and R2 line).
OK: Continuity exists (2 Ω or less)
Is the check result normal?
Replace the rear motor assembly (Refer to ). Then go to Step 9.
Replace the wiring harness (S1 line, S2 line, S3 line, S4 line, R1 line and R2 line). Then go to Step 9.
STEP 8. Test the OBD-II drive cycle.
(1) Carry out a test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 4 .
(2) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
Replace the REMCU (Refer to ). Then go to Step 9.
The inspection is complete.
STEP 9. Test the OBD-II drive cycle.
(1) Carry out a test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 4 .
(2) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
Retry the troubleshooting.
The inspection is complete.