DTC P0DA6: Rear motor drive voltage sensor fails (short to power supply, short circuit)
  • When servicing the high voltage system parts, always shut off the high voltage by removing the service plug (Refer to ).
  • When servicing the high voltage system parts, always wear the protective equipment or armor to measure the high voltage (Refer to ).
  • Continuous
Other Monitor (There is no temporary DTC stored in memory for the item monitored below)
  • Not applicable
Sensor (The sensor below is determined to be normal)
  • Not applicable
Logic Flow Chart
Check Conditions
  • REMCU power supply voltage is 8 volts to 16 volts.
Judgment Criterion
  • Change of the REMCU inverter voltage sensor voltage is more than 4.7 volts (440 volts) for 0.3 second.
  • Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 1 .
  • Malfunction of the REMCU
  • The battery pack fails
  • The high-voltage circuit fails

Required Special Tools
  • MB991223: Wiring harness set
  • MB992006: Extra fine probe
STEP 1. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE), check whether the other DTC is set.
Check if the DTC P0D30 is set in the power drive unit (FEMCU), and if the DTC P1078 is set in the power drive unit [generator control unit (GCU)].
Is the DTC set?
Go to Step 2.
Replace the REMCU (Refer to ). Then go to Step 7.
STEP 2. Check the high-voltage fuse.
  • Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
  • Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
Check the high-voltage fuse (Refer to GROUP 54Dc - On-vehicle Service ).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 3.
Engage the high-voltage fuse securely, or replace it (Refer to Refer to GROUP 54Dc - On-vehicle service ). Then go to Step 7 .
STEP 3. Check the high-voltage circuit.
  • Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
  • Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
Check whether the high-voltage wiring harness is connect securely or damaged.
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 4.
Reconnect the high-voltage wiring harness. Then go to Step 7.
STEP 4. Check the high-voltage circuit.
  • Carry out the check on the high-voltage circuit while reading carefully the precautions on handling a high-voltage vehicle.
  • Wear the specified protection equipment during the check.
(1) Remove the service plug (Refer to ).
(2) Apply a voltage of 12 V to the CNT- terminal to turn on the charging contactor.
(3) Connect a high-voltage compatible multimeter between the main drive lithium-ion battery high-voltage terminal (REMCU) and the main drive lithium-ion battery service plug rear terminal.
OK: Approximately 100 - 164 V

(4) Apply a voltage of 12 V to the CNTP terminal to turn on the charging contactor.
(5) Connect a high-voltage compatible multimeter between the main drive lithium-ion battery high-voltage terminal (REMCU) and the main drive lithium-ion battery service plug front terminal.
OK: Approximately 100 - 164 V

(6) Apply a voltage of 12 V to the CNT+ terminal to turn on the charging contactor.
(7) Connect a high-voltage compatible multimeter between the main drive lithium-ion battery high-voltage terminal (REMCU) and the main drive lithium-ion battery service plug front terminal.
OK: Approximately 100 - 164 V
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 6.
Go to Step 5.
STEP 5. Check the high-voltage wiring harness and bus bar in the main drive lithium-ion battery.
(1) Remove the battery tray cover (Refer to GROUP 54Dc - Main Drive Lithium-ion Battery Disassembly and Assembly ).
(2) Check the high-voltage wiring harness and bus bar in the main drive lithium-ion battery for looseness or damage.
Is the check result normal?
Replace the power drive unit (Refer to ). Then assemble the main drive lithium-ion battery assembly (Refer to GROUP 54Dc - Main Drive Lithium-ion Battery Disassembly and Assembly ). Then go to Step 7.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 7.
STEP 6. Test the OBD-II drive cycle.
(1) Carry out a test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 1 .
(2) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
Replace the power drive unit (Refer to ). Then go to Step 7.
Intermittent malfunction (Refer to GROUP 00 - How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points - How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunctions ).
STEP 7. Test the OBD-II drive cycle.
(1) Carry out a test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 1 .
(2) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
Retry the troubleshooting.
The inspection is complete.