DTC B1137: P range detect SW
cautionWhen replacing the ECU, always check that the communication circuit is normal.
If an error is detected in the P range detection switch circuit system, KOS&OSS-ECU sets DTC B1137, and displays the immobilizer certification system inspection warning the combination meter.
Check Conditions
  • Power supply mode: ON
Judgment Criterion
  • When the vehicle speed is 10 km/h or more, 1 second or more has elapsed since the P range detection switch is detected to be "OFF" (selector lever is in P position).
  • When the P range detection switch is "OFF", the signal other than selector lever P position is received for 2 seconds or more.
  • Damaged wiring harness or connector (short to power supply or open circuit in PDSW line)
  • Selector lever assembly malfunction (OFF seizure of P range detection switch)
  • Malfunction of the ASC-ECU
  • Malfunction of the engine control module
  • Malfunction of the CVT-ECU
  • Malfunction of KOS&OSS-ECU
STEP 1. Check of selector lever assembly (P range detection switch)
Disconnect the selector lever assembly connector, and check the continuity at the equipment side.
Check itemTerminal No.Normal value
Selector lever: P position4 - 6No continuity
Selector lever: Other than P positionContinuity exists (2 ohms or less)
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 2.
Replace the selector lever assembly.
STEP 2. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), read other system diagnostic trouble code
cautionTo prevent damage to scan tool (M.U.T.-III), always turn the power supply mode of the engine switch to the "OFF" position before connecting or disconnecting scan tool (M.U.T.-III).
Connect scan tool (M.U.T.-III) [Refer to "How to connect scan tool (M.U.T.-III) "].
(2) After performing the forced power supply output (refer to forced power supply output procedure ) "IG-ON".
(3) Check the diagnostic trouble code of engine control module, ASC-ECU or CVT-ECU.
(4) Turn the power supply mode of the engine switch to "OFF".
Is the DTC set?
<Set in engine control module> : Troubleshoot the engine control module (Refer to GROUP 13A, Troubleshooting ).
<Set in ASC-ECU> : Troubleshoot the ASC-ECU (Refer to GROUP 35C, Troubleshooting ).
<Set in CVT-ECU> : Troubleshoot the CVT-ECU (Refer to GROUP 23A, Troubleshooting ).
Go to Step 3.
STEP 3. Check of short to power supply and open circuit in PDSW line between selector lever assembly connector and KOS&OSS-ECU connector
noteBecause the conformity cannot be determined even when the digital tester is used to measure the voltage of PDSW line between the selector lever assembly connector and KOS&OSS-ECU connector, be sure to use the oscilloscope (Outputs the saw tooth waveform of 0 to 5 V with intervals of 10 ms).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 4.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness.
STEP 4. Check of open circuit between in ground line selector lever assembly connector and body ground.
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 5.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness.
STEP 5. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), check data list.
cautionTo prevent damage to scan tool (M.U.T.-III), always turn the power supply mode of the engine switch to the "OFF" position before connecting or disconnecting scan tool (M.U.T.-III).
Connect scan tool (M.U.T.-III) [Refer to "How to connect the Scan Tool (M.U.T.-III) "].
(2) Turn the power supply mode of the engine switch to "OFF".
(3) Check the KOS&OSS-ECU data list.
  • Operate the selector lever.
Item No.Check itemOperation stateDisplay
24P range detect SWSelector lever: P positionPark position
Selector lever: Other than P positionOther than Park position
OK: Operation state and data list display agree with each other.
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 6.
Replace the KOS&OSS-ECU and register the VIN (Refer to ).
STEP 6. Recheck for diagnostic trouble code.
(1) Erase the DTC.
(2) Turn the power supply mode of the engine switch from "OFF" to "ON".
(3) Check if DTC is set.
(4) Turn the power supply mode of the engine switch from "ON" to "OFF".
Is the DTC set?
Replace the KOS&OSS-ECU and register the VIN (Refer to ).
Intermittent malfunction is suspected (Refer to GROUP 00, How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points - How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunction ).