1. Use a box cutter to make a cut for approximately 2 to 3 mm (0.08 to 0.12 inches) all around drive battery.
2. Use a glass adhesive knife. [Blade length: 48 mm (1.89 inches)]note | Prepare the blade spare due to the possibility that the blade of the glass adhesive knife will break during work. |
3. While holding the glass adhesive knife and the end of battery tray cover at right angle, pull the blade of the glass adhesive knife parallel to the end of the battery tray cover to detach the adhesive.
4. caution | - Due to the possibility of the battery tray cover deformation, check that adhesive is completely detached before removal.
- When chips of adhesive get inside the drive battery, make sure to clean the battery modules, bus bars and high voltage wiring harness so that the chips are not remaining upon assembly. (Do not blow the chips.)
- Remove the battery tray cover by two persons or more.
Remove the battery tray cover so that the chips do not get inside the drive battery.
5. caution | - Do not scrape away the remaining adhesive more than necessary to prevent adhesion failure.
- Smoothly form the surface of the adhesive left on the flange. If there is a step on the surface of the adhesive, there is a possibility of leakage from the step after reapplying the adhesive.
- When battery tray cover and battery tray assembly are damaged with a knife etc, apply repair paint to the damaged part.
Scrape away the remaining adhesive on the flange of the battery tray cover and battery tray assembly with a sharp knife etc. around the whole circumference so that the thickness is approximately 1 to 2 mm (0.04 to 0.08 inches).
6. Remove the chip of adhesive cleanly.