1.M.U.T.-IIISE other system DTC
Check whether the keyless operation system sets the following DTCs.- DTC No. B2033-4A DONGLE NG
Is the DTC set?
2.Check whether the DTC is set again.
Is the DTC set?
The trouble can be an intermittent malfunction (Refer to General Information - How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points, How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunctions HOW TO COPE WITH INTERMITTENT MALFUNCTIONS
3.M.U.T.-IIISE other system DTC
Check whether the other system sets the following DTCs.Engine control module (ECM)
- DTC No. P161F-61 Matching error in HECM
Power drive unit
- DTC No. P3085-61 PDU is staying protected because of PDU
Is the DTC set?
When all the DTCs are set, replace the power drive unit, rear motor assembly and engine control module (ECM).