STEP 1. Using scan tool MB991958, diagnose the CAN bus lines.
STEP 2. Using scan tool MB991958, check the DTC
STEP 3. Actuator test of combination meter
STEP 4. ASC OFF switch check
STEP 5. Connector check: C-412 ETACS-ECU connector, C-27 intermediate connector, C-30 ASC OFF switch connector
STEP 6. Wiring harness check between C-412 ETACS-ECU connector terminal No.15 and C-30 ASC OFF switch connector terminal No.1
STEP 7. Using scan tool MB991958, check the DTC for other systems
STEP 8. Using scan tool MB991958, check the DTC for other systems
STEP 9. Retest the system.
STEP 10. Retest the system.