cautionDuring diagnosis, a DTC associated with other system may be set when the ignition switch is turned on with connector(s) disconnected. On completion, confirm all systems for DTC(s). If DTC(s) are set, erase them all.
DTCItemReference page
C1078Tire with incorrect diameter equipped
C1456Wiring harness or coupling coil overcurrent failure
C145AWiring harness or coupling coil short circuit failure
C145DWiring harness or coupling open circuit failure
C145FCoupling overload
C1460Drive mode selector circuit failure
C2100Abnormal battery voltage (too low)
C2101Abnormal battery voltage (too high)
C211CAbnormal IG1 power supply low voltage
C211DAbnormal IG1 power supply high voltage
C211EAbnormal power supply voltage (too low)
C211FAbnormal power supply voltage (too high)
C2208AWD-ECU internal error
U0001Bus-off error
U0100Engine CAN time-out
U0121ASC CAN time-out
U0141ETACS CAN time-out
U0401Engine CAN data error
U0415ASC CAN data error
U113CWheel speed sensor data error
U1415Variant coding not implemented