STEP 1. Check the signal line for open circuit and short to ground circuit (PHEV-ECU and the FEMCU).
STEP 2. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE), check whether the other DTC is set.
STEP 3. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE), check whether the other DTC is set.
STEP 4. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE), check whether the DTC is set again.
Recheck the DTC.(1) Erase the DTC.
(2) Turn off the power supply mode of the electric motor switch.
(3) Turn on the power supply mode of the electric motor switch.
(4) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
Replace the power drive unit (FEMCU) (Refer to GROUP 54Db - Power Drive Unit Removal and Installation
). Then go to Step 5
The trouble can be an intermittent malfunction (Refer to GROUP 00, How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunction
STEP 5. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE), check whether the DTC is set again.
Recheck the DTC.(1) Erase the DTC.
(2) Turn off the power supply mode of the electric motor switch.
(3) Turn on the power supply mode of the electric motor switch.
(4) Check the DTC.
Is the DTC set?
Replace the PHEV-ECU (Refer to
The procedure is complete.