DTC P265B: Variable Valve Lift Control Motor Position Sensor Circuit
  • A power voltage of 5 V is applied to the variable valve lift control motor from the valve lift ECU terminal HS5V.
  • The power voltage is grounded to the valve lift ECU terminal HSE from the variable valve lift control motor.
  • The sensor signal is inputted to the valve lift ECU terminal HSWS, HSVS and HSUS from the variable valve lift control motor-integrated Hall sensor output terminal.
  • The valve lift ECU uses the variable valve lift control motor-integrated Hall sensor signal to detect motor rotation angle.
  • Continuous
Other Monitor (There is no temporary DTC stored in memory for the item monitored below)
  • Variable valve lift system monitor
Sensor (The sensor below is determined to be normal)
  • Not applicable
Logic Flow Chart
Check Condition
  • More than 0.2 seconds have passed since the engine starting sequence was completed.
Judgment Criterion
  • The ECM has received malfunction from the valve lift ECU via VLC-CAN.
  • Contents of malfunction which the valve lift ECU detects
    1. The system has detected an abnormal output pattern (all High or Low) in the U, V and W-phase position sensor signals.
  • Deenergizes the variable valve lift control motor.
  • Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 23 .
TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS (The most likely causes for this code to be stored are: )
  • Open or shorted variable valve lift control motor-integrated Hall sensor circuit, harness damage, or connector damage.
  • Variable valve lift control motor (hall sensor) failed.
  • Valve lift ECU failed.
STEP 1. Measure the sensor supply voltage at variable valve lift control motor harness side connector.
(1) Disconnect the variable valve lift control motor connector and measure at the harness side.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
(3) Measure the voltage between terminal HS5V line and ground.
  • Voltage should be between 4.9 and 5.1 volts.
(4) Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
Is the measured voltage between 4.9 and 5.1 volts?
Go to Step 3.
Go to Step 2.
STEP 2. Check of short to ground and open circuit in HS5V line between variable valve lift control motor connector and valve lift ECU connector.
Is the harness wire in good condition?
Go to Step 11.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 12.
STEP 3. Check of harness damage in HS5V line between variable valve lift control motor connector and valve lift ECU connector.
Is the harness wire in good condition?
Go to Step 4.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 12.
STEP 4. Check the continuity at variable valve lift control motor harness side connector.
(1) Disconnect the variable valve lift control motor connector and measure at the harness side.
(2) Measure the continuity between terminal HSE line and ground
  • Continuity (2 ohms or less)
Does continuity exist?
Go to Step 6.
Go to Step 5.
STEP 5. Check of open circuit and harness damage in HSE line between variable valve lift control motor connector and valve lift ECU connector.
Is the harness wire in good condition?
Go to Step 11.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 12.
STEP 6. Check of open circuit and harness damage in HSUS line between variable valve lift control motor connector and valve lift ECU connector.
Is the harness wire in good condition?
Go to Step 7.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 12.
STEP 7. Check of open circuit and harness damage in HSVS line between variable valve lift control motor connector and valve lift ECU connector.
Is the harness wire in good condition?
Go to Step 8.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 12.
STEP 8. Check of open circuit and harness damage in HSWS line between variable valve lift control motor connector and valve lift ECU connector.
Is the harness wire in good condition?
Go to Step 9.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 12.
STEP 9. Check of open circuit and harness damage in shield line between variable valve lift control motor connector and ground.
Is the harness wire in good condition?
Go to Step 10.
Repair the connector(s) or wiring harness. Then go to Step 12.
STEP 10. Replace the variable valve lift control motor.
(1) Replace the variable valve lift control motor.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
(3) After the DTC has been deleted, read the DTC again.
(4) Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
Is DTC P265B stored?
Go to Step 11.
The inspection is complete.
STEP 11. Check the trouble symptoms.
(1) Carry out test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 23 .
(2) Check the diagnostic trouble code (DTC).
Is DTC P265B stored?
Replace the valve lift ECU. Then go to Step 12.
It can be assumed that this malfunction is intermittent. Refer to GROUP 00, How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points - How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunctions .
STEP 12. Test the OBD-II drive cycle.
(1) Carry out a test drive with the drive cycle pattern. Refer to Diagnostic Function - OBD-II Drive Cycle - Pattern 23 .
(2) Check the diagnostic trouble code (DTC).
Is DTC P265B stored?
Retry the troubleshooting.
The inspection is complete.