The relevant wheel, on which the wheel speed sensor is fitted, should be free to run.1. Remove the wheel speed sensor connector to be checked.
2. caution | For precise measurement, do not connect to the wheel speed sensor-side connector and the wiring harness side connector terminal No.2 <Front>, No.1 <Rear>. |
Use the special tool test harness (MB991709) to connect a multimeter between the wheel speed sensor-side connector and the wiring harness connector terminal No.1 <Front>, No.2 <Rear>. 3. Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
4. caution | Do not rotate the wheel too quickly. Output current changes significantly as the wheel speed detection magnetic encoder comes near or goes away from the wheel speed sensor. |
Rotate the wheel, on which the wheel speed sensor is fitted, quite slowly to measure the output current with the multimeter.
Standard value: 5 to 9 mA or 11 to 17 mA
5. If the measurement is not within the standard value, or the output current does not change in proportion to the wheel rotation, replace the wheel speed sensor (Refer to