STEP 2. Using scan tool MB991958, check other system data list.
Check the ETACS-ECU data list. | Item No. | Check item | Normal condition | Item 256 | Dr door ajar switch | Open | Item 257 | As door ajar switch | Open | Item 258 | RR door ajar switch | Open | Item 259 | RL door ajar switch | Open |
OK: Normal condition are displayed.
Are the check result normal?

<Normal conditions are displayed for all the items.> :
Go to Step 3
<Normal condition is not displayed for item No. 256.> :
Refer to GROUP 54A, Inspection Procedure 5: ETACS-ECU does not receive any signal from the front door switch (LH)
<Normal condition is not displayed for item No. 257.> :
Refer to GROUP 54A, Inspection Procedure 6: ETACS-ECU does not receive any signal from the front door switch (RH)
<Normal condition is not displayed for item No. 258.> :
Refer to GROUP 54A, Inspection Procedure 8: ETACS-ECU does not receive any signal from the rear door switch (RH)
<Normal condition is not displayed for item No. 259.> :
Refer to GROUP 54A, Inspection Procedure 7: ETACS-ECU does not receive any signal from the rear door switch (LH)