STEP 1. Using scan tool MB991958, check combination meter actuator test.
STEP 2. Check the parking brake switch.
STEP 3. Connector check: D-36 parking brake switch connector, C-26 intermediate connector and C-203 combination meter connector
STEP 4. Check the wiring harness for an open circuit between D-36 parking brake switch connector terminal No.1 and C-203 combination meter connector terminal No.4.
(1) Disconnect D-36 parking brake switch connector from C-203 combination meter connector, and measure at the wiring harness side connector.
(2) Measure the resistance between D-36 parking brake switch connector terminal No.1 and C-203 combination meter connector terminal No.4.OK: Continuity exists (2 Ω or less)
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 5
A open circuit may be present in the wiring harness between D-36 parking brake switch connector terminal No.1 and C-203 combination meter connector terminal No.4. Repair the wiring harness if necessary, and then go to Step 6
STEP 5. Retest the system.
STEP 6. Retest the system.