5. Evaporator duct assembly, main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan, main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan bracket removal and installation
Evaporator duct assembly, main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan, main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan bracket removal
1. Disconnect the connector.
2. Remove the bolts (A) as shown and remove the main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan and evaporator duct assembly.
3. Remove the bolts (B) as shown and remove the main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan bracket.
Evaporator duct assembly, main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan, main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan bracket installation
1. Install the main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan bracket and tighten the bolts (B) as shown to the specified torque.
2. Install the main drive lithium-ion battery cooling fan and evaporator duct assembly and tighten the bolts (A) as shown to the specified torque.
3. Connect the connector.