1. Disconnect the sensor connector, and connect 5V power supply to sensor-side connector No. 3.
2. Turn on the power supply mode of the electric motor switch.
3. Measure the voltage at sensor connector terminal No. 2 (brake pedal stroke sensor signal 1).
4. Check that voltages show the values described in the graph according to the sensor operation angle.
5. Turn off the power supply mode of the electric motor switch.
6. Measure the voltage at sensor connector terminal No. 4 (brake pedal stroke sensor signal 2).
7. Check that voltages show the values described in the graph according to the sensor operation angle.
8. If the sensor is defective, replace it.
  • After the brake pedal stroke sensor is replaced, execute the Initialization (In the special function (PHEV-ECU)) "Item No. 2: B/P stroke sensor learning reset" or disconnect the auxiliary battery terminals and then leave it disconnected for at least ten seconds.
  • Keep away the brake pedal stroke sensor from a magnetic device.