STEP 1. Check the TCM terminal voltage.
STEP 2. Check the transmission fluid temperature sensor.
STEP 3. Check for short to ground in O/TS, O/T- line between the A/T control solenoid valve assembly connector and TCM connector.
STEP 4. Check for open circuit and short to ground in VIG1, VIG2 line between the fusible link and the TCM connector, and check for open circuit in GND1, GND2 line between the TCM connector and body ground.
STEP 5. Check the TCM connector pin terminal and the connection status.
Is there a failure point?
Repair or replace the failure section.
Replace the TCM.
STEP 6. Erase the DTC, and drive the vehicle for a while.
Check that the normal code is displayed.Is the check result normal?
The procedure is complete.
Replace the TCM.