Prior to troubleshooting, check whether a malfunction is caused by external factor or vehicle conditions.
cautionThe automatic high beam system may not work correctly under certain external factors.
External factorsDetail
WeatherToo bad weather such as fog, snow, heavy rain
Windshield glass
  • Dirt, condensation, icing on the windshield
  • Cracks or breakage around the FCM/LDW/AHB sensor detection portion
Preceding vehicle or oncoming vehicle
  • No exterior lights of a preceding vehicle or oncoming vehicle is turned on
  • Only right or left exterior lights are turned on, or the vehicle is a motorbike.
  • There is any light source, which is similar to vehicle exterior lights
  • A preceding vehicle is equipped with a reflection plate
Road conditions
  • On too steep gradients
  • The vehicle is driven on a winding road or around a tight bend
  • Driving on poor surface such as cobbled
  • There is too bright a luminous body in front of the vehicle (e.g. reflective traffic sign, an electric noticeboard, a delineator).
Vehicle conditionThe vehicle is inclined due to overload, flat tire, or towing, etc.
  • The temperature in the FCM/LDW/AHB is 100°C (212°F) or more, or -40 °C (-40°F) or less.
  • The system can detect no illumination or light source as the camera in the FCM/LDW/AHB is hindered by an object.
Trouble SymptomInspection Procedure No.Reference Page
Scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE) communication with FCM/LDW/AHB system is impossible.-Refer to FCM/LDW/AHB-ECU .
The system is not activated when the automatic high beam switch is operated.1
The headlights cannot be switched from low-beam to high-beam and vice versa on an automatic basis frequently.2