Permission conditions
If any of the permission conditions is not satisfied, the respective item will be disabled.
ItemSetting itemPermission conditions
Stolen vehicle assistanceStolen vehicle control classification: Start/StopWithin five days of stopping engine
Remote door lock/UnlockDoor control classification: Lock/Unlock<Lock>
  • Ignition switch: OFF
  • All doors: Closed
  • Liftgate: Closed
  • Within five days of stopping engine
  • Ignition switch: OFF
  • Within five days of stopping engine
Remote climate control (Remote engine start/stop)Remote climate control: each function setting in screen menu
  • Adjusting temperature
  • Defroster: ON
  • Engine: stop
  • Ignition switch: OFF
  • All doors: Closed
  • Liftgate: Closed
  • Hood: Closed
  • Shift position in P, and releasing pedal
  • Stopping engine, and not pressing engine switch
  • Releasing accelerator pedal
  • Remote climate control (Remote engine start/stop) not activated
  • Within limited number of three times for remote climate control
  • Within five days of stopping engine
Remote hornVehicle horn: ON
  • Ignition switch: OFF
  • Panic alarm: Not working
  • Within five days of stopping engine
Remote lightsHeadlights: Illuminated/ Extinguished
  • Ignition switch: OFF
  • Panic alarm: Not working
  • Low-beam of headlight: OFF
  • Within five days of stopping engine
Vehicle settingsETACS customize mode setting
noteThe customize mode cannot be created for the function the vehicle does not have.
  • Theft alarm: Invalid
  • Within five days of stopping engine
  • Geofence mode: ON/OFF
  • Identify the area that you want to geofence
Within five days of stopping engine
Speed alert
  • Speed alert mode: ON/OFF
  • Speed limit setting
Within five days of stopping engine