Item No.Inspection itemInspection requirementNormal condition
1AWC control modeAUTO is selected (displayed on multi information display). <Up to 20 Model year>AUTO
NORMAL is selected (displayed on multi information display). <From 22 Model year>NORMAL
SNOW is selected (displayed on multi information display).SNOW
GRAVEL is selected (displayed on multi information display).GRAVEL
2Center coupling target torque (for Meter)Perform a test run of the vehicle.0 to 5 segment
3Yaw moment (for Meter)Perform a test run of the vehicle.Driving straight ahead0 segment
Cornering to the right1 to 5 segment (Right turn)
Cornering to the left1 to 5 segment (Left turn)
7Center coupling currentPerform a test run of the vehicle.Changes within 0 to 3 A (command value and actual value agree with each other)
8AWC system protection controlCorrectOFF
9AWC system failCorrectOFF
21Steering angleSteering wheel steeredWithin a predetermined steering angle
22Steering angle speedSteering wheel: Without steering wheel operation0 deg/s
Steering wheel: With steering wheel operationChanges depending on the turning speed.
23Steering angle sensor statusNormalNormal
Neutral point not learnedNot learning
Neutral point not learned or failedNot learn/Fail
24Accelerator positionRelease the accelerator pedalApproximately 0%
Depress the accelerator pedal0 to 100%
Accelerator pedal fully openedApproximately 100%
25Engine speedIdling and test run0 to Maximum engine speed
28Gear position (AT/CVT)Gear range: PP
Gear range: RR
Gear range: NN
Gear range: 1st1st
Gear range: 2nd2nd
Gear range: 3rd3rd
Gear range: 4th4th
Gear range: 5th5th
Gear range: 6th6th
Gear range: 7th7th
Gear range: 8th8th
31Wheel revolution speed (FL)- (reference because of r/min)-
32Wheel revolution speed (FR)
33Wheel revolution speed (RL)
34Wheel revolution speed (RR)
35Wheel speed (FL)Perform a test run of the vehicle.Nearly the same as the speedometer display
36Wheel speed (FR)
37Wheel speed (RL)
38Wheel speed (RR)
39Yaw rateWhen the vehicle is stationaryApproximately 0 deg/s
Perform a test run of the vehicle.-90 to 90 deg/s
40Lateral GVehicle is stopped (horizontal state).Approximately 0 m/s2
Perform a test run of the vehicle.-10.24 to 10.08 m/s2
41Longitudinal GVehicle is stopped (horizontal state).Approximately 0 m/s2
Perform a test run of the vehicle.-10.24 to 10.08 m/s2
44A.S.C. statusIgnition switch: ONEither of "ON (S-AWC ON)", "OFF (S-AWC ON)", "OFF (S-AWC OFF)" or "Fail" is displayed.
45Brake switchBrake pedal: DepressedON
Brake pedal: ReleasedOFF
46Parking brakeApply the parking brake.ON
Release the parking brake.OFF
47Ignition statusIgnition switch: ACCACC
Ignition switch: ONON
Ignition switch: STARTSTART
48Battery voltageIgnition switch: ON6 to 17 V
49IOD fuse insert flagFuse insertedON
Fuse removedOFF
50OdometerIgnition switch: ON0 to 1,677,721.4 km
(0.00 to 1,042,710.62 mile)
51Ambient temperatureIgnition switch: ON-30 °C to 85 °C
(-22 °F to 185 °F)
52Ignition off timeAfter ignition switch: OFF for one minute or more, ignition switch: ON0 to 254 min
65Ignition power supply (IG1)Ignition switch: ONON
Ignition switch: OFFOFF
66ECU power supply voltageIgnition switch: ON10 to 18.75 V
67Power supply voltage for actuatorIgnition switch: ON10 to 18.75 V
68Drive mode selectorS-AWC drive mode-selector: PushedON
S-AWC drive mode-selector: ReleasedOFF
71Steering angle (adjusted value)Ignition switch: ON-15 to 15 deg
75Coding counterIgnition switch: ON0 to 255 times