STEP 1. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-IIISE), DTC check.
STEP 2. Voltage measurement at A/C compressor assembly connector.
(1) Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
(3) Connect the AC/R terminal of the ECM connector to body ground.
(4) Voltage between power supply terminal and body ground.OK: The voltage should measure approximately 12 volts (battery positive voltage).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 3
Go to Step 6
STEP 3. Check the A/C compressor.
STEP 4. Check the refrigerant level.
STEP 5. Replace the A/C-ECU, and then recheck the trouble symptom.
STEP 6. Check the A/C compressor relay.
STEP 7. Voltage measurement at A/C compressor relay connector.
(1) Remove the relay, and measure at the relay block side.
(2) Voltage between power supply terminal and body ground.OK: The voltage should measure approximately 12 volts (battery positive voltage).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 8
STEP 8. Check of open circuit in A/C compressor relay power supply line between fusible link and A/C compressor relay connector.
STEP 9.Check of open circuit in A/C compressor relay power supply line between A/C compressor relay connector and A/C compressor assembly connector.
STEP 10. Check of open circuit in AC/R line (ECM) between A/C compressor relay connector and ECM connector.