Item No.Inspection itemInspection requirementNormal condition
1AWC control modeAUTO is selected (displayed on multi information display).AUTO
SNOW is selected (displayed on multi information display).SNOW
GRAVEL is selected (displayed on multi information display).GRAVEL
2Center coupling target torque (for Meter)Perform a test run of the vehicle.0 to 5 segment
3Yaw moment (for Meter)Perform a test run of the vehicle.Driving straight ahead0 segment
Cornering to the right1 to 5 segment (Right turn)
Cornering to the left1 to 5 segment (Left turn)
7Center coupling currentPerform a test run of the vehicle.Changes within 0 to 3 A (command value and actual value agree with each other)
8AWC system protection controlCorrectOFF
9AWC system failCorrectOFF
21Steering angleSteering wheel steeredWithin a predetermined steering angle
22Steering angle speedSteering wheel: Without steering wheel operation0 deg/s
Steering wheel: With steering wheel operationChanges depending on the turning speed.
23Steering angle sensor statusNormalNormal
Neutral point not learnedNot learning
Neutral point not learned or failedNot learn/Fail
24Accelerator positionRelease the accelerator pedalApproximately 0%
Depress the accelerator pedal0 to 100%
Accelerator pedal fully openedApproximately 100%
25Engine speedIdling and test run0 to Maximum engine speed
28Gear position (AT/CVT)Gear range: PP
Gear range: RR
Gear range: NN
Gear range: 1st1st
Gear range: 2nd2nd
Gear range: 3rd3rd
Gear range: 4th4th
Gear range: 5th5th
Gear range: 6th6th
Gear range: 7th7th
Gear range: 8th8th
31Wheel revolution speed (FL)- (reference because of r/min)-
32Wheel revolution speed (FR)
33Wheel revolution speed (RL)
34Wheel revolution speed (RR)
35Wheel speed (FL)Perform a test run of the vehicle.Nearly the same as the speedometer display
36Wheel speed (FR)
37Wheel speed (RL)
38Wheel speed (RR)
39Yaw rateWhen the vehicle is stationaryApproximately 0 deg/s
Perform a test run of the vehicle.-90 to 90 deg/s
40Lateral GVehicle is stopped (horizontal state).Approximately 0 m/s2
Perform a test run of the vehicle.-10.24 to 10.08 m/s2
41Longitudinal GVehicle is stopped (horizontal state).Approximately 0 m/s2
Perform a test run of the vehicle.-10.24 to 10.08 m/s2
44A.S.C. statusIgnition switch: ONEither of "ON (S-AWC ON)", "OFF (S-AWC ON)", "OFF (S-AWC OFF)" or "Fail" is displayed.
45Brake switchBrake pedal: DepressedON
Brake pedal: ReleasedOFF
46Parking brakeApply the parking brake.ON
Release the parking brake.OFF
47Ignition statusIgnition switch: ACCACC
Ignition switch: ONON
Ignition switch: STARTSTART
48Battery voltageIgnition switch: ON6 to 17 V
49IOD fuse insert flagFuse insertedON
Fuse removedOFF
50OdometerIgnition switch: ON0 to 1,677,721.4 km
(0.00 to 1,042,710.62 mile)
51Ambient temperatureIgnition switch: ON-30 °C to 85 °C
(-22 °F to 185 °F)
52Ignition off timeAfter ignition switch: OFF for one minute or more, ignition switch: ON0 to 254 min
65Ignition power supply (IG1)Ignition switch: ONON
Ignition switch: OFFOFF
66ECU power supply voltageIgnition switch: ON10 to 18.75 V
67Power supply voltage for actuatorIgnition switch: ON10 to 18.75 V
68Drive mode selectorS-AWC drive mode-selector: PushedON
S-AWC drive mode-selector: ReleasedOFF
71Steering angle (adjusted value)Ignition switch: ON-15 to 15 deg
75Coding counterIgnition switch: ON0 to 255 times