Required Special Tools:
- MB991958 Scan Tool (M.U.T.-III Sub Assembly)
- MB991824: Vehicle Communication Interface (V.C.I.)
- MB991827 M.U.T.-III USB Cable
- MB991910 M.U.T.-III Main Harness A
Using scan tool MB991958, diagnose the CAN bus lines.
Is the check result normal?
Repair the CAN bus lines. (Refer to GROUP 54C - Troubleshooting .)
After repairing the CAN bus line, go to Step 2.
Is the check result normal?
Repair the TC-SST-ECU power supply circuit. (Refer to .)
After repairing the power supply circuit, go to Step 3.
Replace the transaxle assembly. (Refer to .)
Intermittent malfunction. (Refer to GROUP 00 - How to Cope with Intermittent
Malfunction .)