DTC U0100: CAN Time-out Error (Engine)
The TCM determines that the system is defective if the TCM can receive no CAN communication information from the Engine Control Module (ECM).
TCM cannot receive the periodic communication data from the ECM.
Other Monitor (There is no temporary DTC stored in memory for the item monitored below)
  • Not applicable
Sensor (The sensor below is determined to be normal)
  • Not applicable
LOGIC FLOW CHARTS (Monitor Sequence)
Check Conditions
  • Time after TCM start: more than 0.7 second.
  • Voltage of battery: 10 volts or more
  • Voltage of battery: 16.5 volts or less
Judgment Criteria
  • No information is received from the ECM for 2.5 second.
Ignition switch: "ON" position (start the engine and keep it for 10 seconds or more)
  • Malfunction of the CAN bus line
  • Malfunction of ECM
  • Malfunction of TCM
Required Special Tools:
  • MB992744: Vehicle communication interface-Lite (V.C.I.-Lite)
  • MB992745: V.C.I.-Lite main harness A
  • MB992747: V.C.I.-Lite USB cable short
  • MB992748: V.C.I.-Lite USB cable long
  • MB991958: Scan Tool (M.U.T.-III Sub Assembly)
    • MB991824: Vehicles Communication Interface (V.C.I.)
    • MB991827: M.U.T.-III USB Cable
    • MB991910: M.U.T.-III Main Harness A (Vehicles with CAN communication system)
  • If the TCM is stored the DTC U0100, make sure to diagnose the CAN bus line.
  • If there is any problem in the CAN bus lines, an incorrect DTC may be stored. Prior to this diagnosis, diagnose the CAN bus lines.
  • Before replacing the ECU, ensure that the CAN bus line is normal.
STEP 1. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), diagnose the CAN bus lines.
cautionTo prevent damage to scan tool (M.U.T.-III), always turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position before connecting or disconnecting scan tool (M.U.T.-III).
Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), perform CAN bus diagnosis [Refer to GROUP 54C, Explanation About The Scan Tool (M.U.T.-III) Can Bus Diagnostics ].
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 3.
Repair the CAN bus lines (Refer to GROUP 54C, Diagnosis - Can Bus Diagnostic Table ). Then go to Step 2.
STEP 2. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), DTC recheck after repairing CAN bus lines.
Check again if the DTC is stored.
(1) Erase the DTC.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
(3) Carry out a test drive with the OBD-II drive cycle pattern.
(4) Recheck the DTC.
Is DTC U0100 stored?
Go to Step 3.
This diagnosis is complete.
STEP 3. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), check the DTC of other system.
Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), check if the DTC is stored in ECM (Refer to GROUP 13A, Diagnosis - Diagnostic Function - How to Read and Erase Diagnostic Trouble Codes ).
Is any DTC stored?
Perform the MFI system diagnosis (Refer to GROUP 13A, Diagnosis - Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart ). Then go to Step 4
Go to Step 4.
STEP 4. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), check the DTC of other system.
Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), check whether an engine "time-out" related DTC is stored in other ECU (ASC-ECU, ETACS-ECU, combination meter, etc.).
Is any DTC stored?
Replace ECM [Refer to GROUP 13A, Engine Control Module (ECM) ]. Then go to Step 6
Go to Step 5.
STEP 5. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), recheck the DTC.
Check again if the DTC is stored.
(1) Erase the DTC.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
(3) Carry out a test drive with the OBD-II drive cycle pattern.
(4) Recheck the DTC.
Is DTC U0100 stored?
Replace the TCM (Refer to ). Then go to Step 6
The trouble can be an intermittent malfunction (Refer to GROUP 00, How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points - How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunctions ).
STEP 6. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), recheck the DTC.
Check again if the DTC is stored.
(1) Erase the DTC.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
(3) Carry out a test drive with the OBD-II drive cycle pattern.
(4) Recheck the DTC.
Is DTC U0100 stored?
Return to Step 1.
This diagnosis is complete.