STEP 1. Check the following connector.
- Transmission range switch connector
- TCM connector
Check the terminals for a contact status problem and internal short circuit.
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 2. Repair the faulty connector(s).
STEP 2. Check for open circuit in INHP, INHR, INHN, INHD and INHL line between the transmission range switch connector and the TCM connector.
STEP 3. Transmission range switch and control cable adjustment.
STEP 4. Transmission range switch continuity check.
STEP 5. Voltage measurement at TCM connector (INHP, INHR, INHN, INHD and INHL terminal).
(1) Connect the transmission range switch connector.
(2) Disconnect the TCM connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(3) Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
(4) Measure the voltage at each terminal when the selector lever is moved to each range.- At "P" range: Between the TCM connector (INHP terminal) and body ground
- At "R" range: Between the TCM connector (INHR terminal) and body ground
- At "N" range: Between the TCM connector (INHN terminal) and body ground
- At "D" range: Between the TCM connector (INHD terminal) and body ground
- At "L" range: Between the TCM connector (INHL terminal) and body ground
OK: 10 volts or more
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 6. - Repair the connector(s) or the wiring harness.
STEP 6. Using scan tool (M.U.T.-III), recheck the DTC.
Check again if the DTC is stored.(1) Erase the DTC.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.
(3) Carry out a test drive with the OBD-II drive cycle pattern.
(4) Recheck the DTC.
Is DTC P0705 stored?
Replace the TCM (Refer to ). The trouble can be an intermittent malfunction (Refer to GROUP 00, How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points - How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunctions ).