STEP 1. Check the bulb of the backup light.
STEP 2. Check the transmission range switch <CVT> or backup light switch <M/T>.
STEP 3. Voltage measurement at the transmission range switch connector <CVT> or backup light switch connector <M/T>.
(1) Remove the transmission range switch connector <CVT> or backup light switch connector <M/T>, and measure at the junction block side.
(2) Move the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
(3) Measure the voltage between the transmission range switch connector <CVT> or backup light switch connector <M/T> (power supply terminals) and ground.OK: The voltage should measure approximately 12 volts (battery positive voltage).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 5
Go to Step 4
STEP 4. Check of open circuit in power supply line between the transmission range switch connector <CVT> or backup light switch connector <M/T> and the ignition switch (IG1) <vehicles without KOS> or IG1relay <vehicles with KOS>.
STEP 5. Resistance measurement at the rear combination light (backup: LH) or rear combination light (backup: RH) connector.
(1) Disconnect the connector, and measure at the wiring harness side.
(2) Check the resistance between the light connector and ground.- Measure the resistance between the rear combination light (backup: LH) connector (ground terminal) and the ground.
- Measure the resistance between the rear combination light (backup: RH) connector (ground terminal) and the ground.
OK: The resistance should be 2 ohms or less.
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
STEP 6. Check of open circuit in ground line between rear combination light (backup: LH) or rear combination light (backup: RH) connector and ground.
STEP 7. Check of open circuit in output line between the rear combination light (backup: LH) or rear combination light (backup: RH) connector and transmission range switch connector <CVT> or backup light switch connector <M/T>.
STEP 8. Retest the system.