warningWhen batteries are being charged, an explosive gas forms beneath the cover of each cell. Do not smoke near batteries on charge or which have recently been charged. Do not break live circuits at the terminals of the batteries on charge. A spark will occur where the live circuit is broken. Keep all open flames away from the battery.
Battery electrolyte temperature may temporarily be allowed to rise to 55 °C (131 °F). Increase of electrolyte temperature above 55 °C (131 °F) is harmful to the battery, causing deformation of battery cell, decrease in life of battery, etc.
Recommended rate and time for charging completely flat battery fully is shown in the charge rate chart. When the specific gravity of electrolyte keeps 1.220 to 1.290 for more than one hour, charging should be stopped.
Charge Rate Chart
BatteryCharging time
Slow charging5 amps 10 hours
10 amps 5 hours
Fast charging20 amps 3 hours
30 amps 2 hours