STEP 1. Check the battery.
STEP 2. Check the charging system.
STEP 3. Measure the resistance at the ASC-ECU connector.
(1) Connector check: the ASC-ECU connector, the fuses (relay box) and the fusible links
(2) Disconnect the ASC-ECU connector.
(3) Measure the resistance between +BV terminal and body ground.OK: No continuity
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 4
The power supply circuit may be short. Repair the wiring harness wires or connectors between the ACS-ECU connector +BV terminal and the fuse (relay box), the fuses (relay box) or the fusible links. Then go to Step 11
STEP 4. Measure the resistance at the ASC-ECU connector.
(1) Connector check: the ASC-ECU connector and the fusible links
(2) Disconnect the ASC-ECU connector and remove the fusible links.
(3) Measure the resistance between +BM terminal and body ground.OK: No continuity
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 5
The power supply circuit may be short. Repair the wiring harness wires or connectors between the ACS-ECU connector +BM terminal and the fusible links, or the fusible links. Then go to Step 11
STEP 5. Measure the resistance at the ASC-ECU connector.
(1) Connector check: the ASC-ECU connector and the junction block
(2) Disconnect the ASC-ECU connector.
(3) Measure the resistance between the IG1 terminal and body ground.OK: No continuity
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 6
The power supply circuit may be short. Repair the wiring harness wires or connectors between the ACS-ECU connector IG1 terminal and the junction block. Then go to Step 11
STEP 6. Measure the voltage at the ASC-ECU connector.
(1) Disconnect the ASC-ECU connector.
(2) Measure the voltage between +BV terminal and body ground.OK: Battery voltage
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 7
The power supply circuit may be open. Repair the wiring harness wires or connectors between the ACS-ECU connector +BV terminal and the fuse (relay box) or the fuses (relay box). Then go to Step 11
STEP 7. Measure the voltage at the ASC-ECU connector.
(1) Disconnect the ASC-ECU connector.
(2) Measure the voltage between +BM terminal and body ground.OK: Battery voltage
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 8
The power supply circuit may be open. Repair the wiring harness wires or connectors between the ACS-ECU connector +BM terminal and the fusible links, or the fusible links. Then go to Step 11
STEP 8. Measure the voltage at the ASC-ECU connector.
(1) Disconnect the ASC-ECU connector.
(2) Ignition switch: "ON"
(3) Measure the voltage between the IG1 terminal and body ground.OK: Battery voltage
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 9
The power supply circuit may be open. Repair the wiring harness wires or connectors between the ACS-ECU connector IG1 terminal and the junction block. Then go to Step 11
STEP 9. Measure the resistance at the ASC-ECU connector.
(1) Disconnect the ASC-ECU connector.
(2) Measure the resistance between the GND1 terminal and body ground as well as between the GND2 terminal and body ground.OK: Continuity exists (2 Ω or less).
Is the check result normal?
Go to Step 10
The ground circuit may be open. Repair the wiring harness wires or connectors between the ACS-ECU connector GND1 terminal and the fusible links as well as between the GND2 terminal and the fusible links. Then go to Step 11
STEP 10. Retest the system
STEP 11. Retest the system