Diagnostic Work Sheet
  • In general, customers have their own criteria for a symptom. Therefore, it is important to understand the symptom and status well enough by interviewing the customer about the symptom carefully. To systemize all the information for the diagnosis, prepare the interview sheet referring to the interview points.
  • In some cases, multiple conditions that appear simultaneously may cause a DTC to be detected.
Interview sheet
Customer nameMR/MSRegistration numberInitial year registration
Vehicle typeVIN
Storage dateEngine / Traction motorMileage km ( Mile)
Symptom□ Does not operate ( ) function
□ Warning light for ( ) turns ON.
□ Noise                 □ Vibration
□ Other
First occurrence□ Recently □ Other ( )
Frequency of occurrence□ Always □  Under a certain conditions of □ Sometimes ( time(s)/day)
Climate conditions□ Irrelevant
Weather□ Fine □ Cloud □ Rain □Snow □ Others ( )
Temperature□ Hot □Warm □ Cool □ Cold □ Temperature [Approx. °C ( °F)]
Relative humidity□ High □ Moderate □ Low
Road conditions□ Urban area □ Suburb area □ Highway
□ Mountainous road (uphill or downhill) □ Rough road
Operating condition, etc.□Irrelevant
□When traction motor starts □ During idling
□ During driving □ During acceleration □ At constant speed driving
□ During deceleration
□ During cornering (right curve or left curve)
□ When steering wheel is steered (to right or to left)
Other conditions
Vehicle equipment