1. Remove the fuel tank cap, and install special tool fuel leak check cap (MB992145).
cautionAlways check the fuel leak of fuel tank with the vehicle loaded. If it is checked with the fuel tank removed, the fuel tank may be damaged.
2. From the system selection screen in scan tool (M.U.T.-III SE), select “ENGINE”, select “Special Function” from the ENGINE screen, and perform “Forced Refuel control completion”.
3. Install the hose and pressure gauge to the special tool (MB992145) as shown.
4. Pressurise while checking the pressure gauge and hold if it reaches from 9.80 to 11.76 kPa (1.42 to 1.7 psi).
  • Do not pressurise suddenly.
  • Do not pressurise 11.76 kPa (1.7 psi) or more to prevent the damage of components.
5. Leave it for approximately 3 minutes and check that the pressure is not weakened.
6. If the pressure is weakened, apply soapy water to each part with pressurised state and check the leak while confirming if air bubbles are seen.