System Description
  • The vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode is designed to maintain a selected distance from the vehicle in front of own vehicle and can reduce the speed to match a slower vehicle ahead.
  • The driver can select the distance from the vehicle ahead (Long/Middle/Short).
  • If the status is the set wait condition and the vehicle speed is between approximately 30 and 144 km/h (20 and 90 MPH), when the SET‐ switch is pressed, the system records the vehicle speed and starts the control. If the vehicle speed is approximately 30 km/h (20 MPH) or less and a vehicle ahead is detected when the SET switch is pressed, a vehicle speed of 30 km/h (20 MPH) is set.
  • The system decelerates the vehicle as necessary and if the vehicle ahead comes to a stop, the vehicle decelerates to a standstill. However, the system can only apply up to 40% of the vehicle’s total braking power.
  • The system cancels and a warning chime sounds if the speed is below approximately 25 km/h (15 MPH) and a vehicle is not detected ahead. For MI-PILOT Assist with Navi-link equipped vehicles on a limited access freeway as identified in the navigation map data, the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode cancels and a warning chime sounds if your vehicle is at a standstill for more than approximately 3 seconds and a vehicle is not detected ahead.
  • The vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode operates as follows:
    • When there are no vehicles traveling ahead, the system maintains the speed set by the driver. The set vehicle speed range is between approximately 30 and 144 km/h (20 and 90 MPH).
    • When there is a vehicle traveling ahead, the system adjusts the speed to maintain the distance, selected by the driver, from the vehicle ahead. If the vehicle ahead comes to a stop, the vehicle decelerates to a standstill. Once own vehicle stops, the system keeps the vehicle stopped.
    • When own vehicle is stopped for less than 3 seconds (30 seconds for vehicles equipped with MI-PILOT Assist with Navi-link on a limited access roadway) and the vehicle ahead begins to move, ownr vehicle starts moving again automatically.
    • When own vehicle is at a standstill for more than 3 seconds (30 seconds for vehicles equipped with MI-PILOT Assist with Navi-link on a limited access roadway) and the vehicle ahead begins to accelerate, push up the RES+ switch or lightly depress the accelerator pedal. The system starts to follow the vehicle ahead.
    • When the vehicle traveling ahead moves to a different traveling lane, the system accelerates and maintains vehicle speed up to the set speed.
    • This system should only be used when traffic conditions allow vehicle speeds to remain fairly constant or when vehicle speeds change gradually.
    • If a vehicle moves into the traveling lane ahead or if a vehicle traveling ahead rapidly decelerates, the distance between vehicles may become closer because the system cannot decelerate the vehicle quickly enough. If this occurs, the system sounds a warning chime and blinks the system display to notify the driver to take necessary action.
    • The vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode does not control vehicle speed or warn the driver when the driver approaches stationary and slow moving vehicles. The driver must pay attention to vehicle operation to maintain proper distance from vehicles ahead when approaching toll gates or traffic congestion.
    • The vehicle may not maintain the set speed on winding or hilly roads.
    • To prevent the vehicle from moving, the driver must depress the brake pedal.
    • When the accelerator pedal is depressed, the brake operation and the warning are not performed by the MI-PILOT Assist system.
    • When the sonar system has a malfunction, the time the vehicle can remain stopped and automatically restart is shortened from 30 seconds to 3 seconds. (With MI-PILOT Assist with Navi-link)
  • The vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode has the following functions:
Cut-in detection
If a vehicle moves into own traveling lane near own vehicle, the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode informs the driver by blinking the vehicle ahead detection indicator.
Approach warning
If own vehicle comes closer to the vehicle ahead due to rapid deceleration of that vehicle or if another vehicle cuts in, the system warns the driver with the chime and MI-PILOT Assist system display.
  • The warning chime does not sound in some cases when there is a short distance between vehicles. Some examples are:
    • When the vehicles are traveling at the same speed and the distance between vehicles is not changing.
    • When the vehicle ahead is traveling faster and the distance between vehicles is increasing.
    • When a vehicle cuts in near own vehicle.
  • The warning chime does not sound when:
    • Own vehicle approaches other vehicles that are parked or moving slowly.
    • The accelerator pedal is depressed, overriding the system.
Acceleration when passing
  • When the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode system is engaged above 70 km/h (44 MPH) and following a slower vehicle (below set speed), and the turn signal is activated to the left, the system automatically starts to accelerate the vehicle to help initiate passing on the left and begins to reduce the distance to vehicle directly ahead. Only the left side turn signal operates this feature.
  • As the driver steers the vehicle and moves into the passing lane, if no vehicle is detected ahead the system continues to accelerate to the set speed. If another vehicle is detected ahead, then the vehicle accelerates up to the following speed of that vehicle.
  • If the vehicle is not steered into the left lane to pass, the acceleration stops after a short time and regains the set following distance.
  • Acceleration can be stopped at any point by depressing the brake pedal or the CANCEL switch on the steering wheel.
Speed Limit Assist (With Full TFT meter)
  • When the MI-PILOT Assist with Navi-link is active and it detects a change of the speed limit, the new speed limit sign is indicated and it can be applied to the vehicle set speed automatically or manually.
  • The Speed Limit Assist operates:
    • When the detected speed limit sign is 30 km/h (20 MPH) and above.
    • The “Speed Limit Assist” is enabled in the settings menu of the vehicle information display.
Speed Adjust by Route (With Full TFT meter)
When the MI-PILOT Assist with Navi-link is active on a limited access roadway, the system uses road information provided by the navigation system and adjusts the vehicle speed depending on curves, junctions and exits. When the vehicle is through the curve or exit, the vehicle accelerates again to the set speed.
  • When MI-PILOT Assist is OFF, pressing the MI-PILOT Assist steering wheel switch for less than 1.5 seconds displays the MI-PILOT Assist status, and the set wait condition is engaged.
  • ADAS control unit 2 performs the control as per the following:
    Constant speedThe ADAS control unit compares the set vehicle speed with the current vehicle speed, transmits the command to ECM via CAN communication to reach the set vehicle speed, and controls the electric throttle control actuator.
    FollowingThe ADAS control unit 2 sends commands to the ECM and the ABS actuator and electric unit (controlunit) and controls the vehicle speed for keeping the proper distance between vehicles ccording to the vehicle speed changes of the vehicle ahead.
    Following → StopThe ADAS control unit 2 sends commands to the ABS actuator and electric unit (controlunit) and stops the vehicle. After the vehicle stops, it is held at a stop.
    Starting from stop → FollowingThe ADAS control unit 2 judges that the RES+ switch is pressed by the MI-PILOT Assist steering switch signal from the ECM or the accelerator pedal is depressed by the accelerator pedal position signal from ECM, transmits the command to ECM to resume following driving, and controls the electric throttle control actuator.
  • When the ADAS control unit 2 judges that a vehicle moves into own traveling lane near own vehicle by the distance sensor signal from the distance sensor, it transmits the meter display signal to the combination meter to turn ON the vehicle ahead detection indicator.
  • When the ADAS control unit 2 judges that own vehicle comes closer to the vehicle ahead due to rapid deceleration of that vehicle or another vehicle cuts in by the distance sensor signal from the distance sensor, it performs the following operations:
    • Transmits the meter display signal to the combination meter to turn ON MI-PILOT Assist system display.
    • Transmits the buzzer output signal to the combination meter to sound the buzzer.
  • When the ADAS control unit 2 judges that the turn signal is activated to the left while the own vehicle is following a slower vehicle (below set speed) at 70 km/h (44 MPH) or more, it transmits the command to the ECM to accelerate the vehicle.
  • When the ADAS control unit 2 judges that new speed limit sign is indicated while the MI-PILOT Assist with Navi-link is activing, it applies to the vehicle set speed. (With Full TFT meter)
  • When the ADAS control unit 2 receives the road information (curves, junctions and exits) from the navigation system, it transmits the command to the ECM to adjust the vehicle speed. (With Full TFT meter)
  • MI-PILOT Assist system: ON
  • Vehicle speed: Between approximately 30 and 144 km/h (20 and 90 MPH)
  • Push the CANCEL switch
  • Tap the brake pedal (except at a standstill)
  • Push the MI-PILOT Assist switch to turn the system OFF (The MI-PILOT Assist status indicator turn OFF)
  • Any door is open
  • The driver’s seat belt is not fastened
  • The vehicle ahead is not detected and own vehicle is traveling below the speed of 25 km/h (15 MPH)
  • Own vehicle has been stopped by the MI-PILOT Assist system for approximately 3 minutes or longer
  • The shift lever is not in the D (Drive) position or manual shift mode
  • The electronic parking brake is applied
  • The ASC system is turned OFF
  • The AEB applies harder braking
  • ASC (including the traction control system) operates
  • The SNOW mode or OFF-ROAD mode is selected (4WD models)
  • A wheel slips
  • When distance measurement becomes impaired due to adhesion of dirt or obstruction to the distance sensor
  • When the radar signal is temporarily interrupted