Fuel Level Sensor Unit
Component Function Within The System
Fuel level sensor unit transmits fuel level sensor signal to the combination meter.
Individual Component Function
Fuel level sensor unit measures the fuel level in the fuel tank by a float.
Component Operation
  • Each fuel level sensor unit consists of a float which variable resistor is mounted with. The combined resistance is converted as an output voltage signal of remaining fuel and input to combination meter.
Component Parts Location
Fuel level sensor unit is integrated with fuel pump assembly (fuel level sensor unit and fuel pump) and fuel pump assembly is installed to fuel tank under the rear seat. Refer to Component Parts Location.
Component Function Within The System
  • Fuel level sensor unit (main/sub) transmits fuel level sensor signal to the combination meter.
    Fuel level sensor unit (main)
    Fuel level sensor unit (sub)
Individual Component Function
  • Fuel level sensor unit (main) measures the fuel level in the fuel tank (left side of the vehicle) by a float.
  • Fuel level sensor unit (sub) measures the fuel level in the fuel tank (right side of the vehicle) by a float.
Component Operation
  • Each fuel level sensor unit (main/sub) consists of a float which variable resistor is mounted with. The combined resistance is converted as an output voltage signal of remaining fuel and input to combination meter.
Component Parts Location
  • Fuel level sensor unit (main) is integrated with fuel pump assembly (fuel level sensor unit and fuel pump) and fuel pump assembly is installed to fuel tank (left side of the vehicle) under the rear seat.
  • Fuel level sensor unit (sub) is installed in the fuel tank (right side of the vehicle) under the rear seat.
  • Refer to Component Parts Location for detailed installation location.