Component Parts Location
Engine room (RH side)Engine room (LH side)Steering knuckle
Back of spiral cable assemblyCenter console Rear axle housing
Rear axle housing
Parking brake actuator harness (RH)Parking brake actuator (RH)Rear brake caliper assembly (RH)
Rear RH sensor rotorRear RH wheel sensorChassis control module
Refer to Component Parts Location for detailed installation location.
Front RH wheel sensorFront RH sensor rotorECM
Refer to Component Parts Location for detailed installation location.
Refer to Component Parts Location for detailed installation location.
Refer to Component Parts Location for detailed installation location.
Refer to Component Parts Location for detailed installation location.
Combination meter
Refer to Component Parts Location (full TFT meter), Component Parts Location (7 inch information display) for detailed installation location.
ABS actuator and electric unit (control unit)Brake fluid level switch
Brake vacuum sensorFront LH wheel sensorFront LH sensor rotor
Steering angle sensorParking brake switchRear LH wheel sensor
Rear LH sensor rotorRear brake caliper assembly (LH)Parking brake actuator harness (LH)
Parking brake actuator (LH)