Removal and Installation
warningRead “General Precautions” when working on the fuel system. Refer to General Precautions.
cautionPerform the operation with vehicle on level ground.
1. Release fuel pressure. Refer to Work ProcedureWork Flow.
2. Open fuel filler lid.
3. Insert a general purpose pipe with the dimensions shown in fuel filler cap less unit and release the pressure inside the fuel tank.
A : Over Φ 16 mm (0.63 in)
B: Φ 21.0 mm (0.83 in)
C: 150 mm (5.91 in)
noteInsert and hold 80 mm (3.15 in) from the end of the general purpose pipe into the fuel filler port.
4. Check fuel level on a level ground. If the fuel level is 7/8 of the fuel tank (full or nearly full), draw appropriate amount of fuel from the fuel tank.
Guideline: Draw approximately 15 liters (4 US gal, 3-2/8 Imp gal) from a full-tank condition.
In the event of malfunction in fuel pump, insert a hose measuring 16 mm (0.63 in) in diameter into the filler opening to draw approximately 15 liters (4 US gal, 3-2/8 Imp gal) fuel.
5. Remove second seat.
6. Remove inspection hole cover.
  • Using a screwdriver, remove it by turning clips clockwise by 90 degrees.
7. Disconnect harness connector and quick connector .
: Fuel feed tube
: Fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly
Disconnect quick connector as follows:
  • Hold the sides of connector, push in tabs and pull out fuel feed tube.
    : Pull
  • If quick connector sticks to tube of fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly, push and pull quick connector several times until they start to move. Then disconnect them by pulling.
  • Quick connector can be disconnected when the tabs are completely depressed. Never twist it more than necessary.
    : Connection (cross-section)
    : To under floor fuel line
    : To fuel tank
    : Disconnection
  • Never use any tools to disconnected quick connector.
  • Keep resin tube away from heat. Be especially careful when welding near the resin tube.
  • Prevent acid liquid such as battery electrolyte, etc. from getting on resin tube.
  • Never bend or twist resin tube during installation and disconnection.
  • Never remove the remaining retainer on hard tube (or the equivalent) except when resin tube or retainer is replaced.
  • When resin tube or hard tube (or the equivalent) is replaced, also replace retainer with new one.
  • To keep the connecting portion clean and to avoid damage and foreign materials, cover them completely with plastic bags or something similar.
8. Remove lock ring according to the following instructions:
(1) Install pawl (B) of unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] (A) to the position shown in the figure.
(2) Temporarily tighten mounting bolt (B) of the pawl according to the measurement (R) from the center of unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] (A) to the end of pawl (C).
R: 82 mm (3.23 in)
(3) Set unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] to lock ring and tighten the mounting bolt of the pawl.
(4) Remove lock ring.
  • To prevent lock ring wrench from being detached, securely hold down spinner handle by hand.
  • To reduce impact caused by removal operation, use long spinner handle [handle length: 60 cm (23.62 in) or more] and slowly turn it counterclockwise.
9. Remove fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly.
cautionPerform the operation with vehicle on level ground.
1. Release fuel pressure. Refer to Work ProcedureWork Flow.
2. Open fuel filler lid.
3. Insert a general purpose pipe with the dimensions shown in fuel filler cap less unit and release the pressure inside the fuel tank.
A : Over Φ 16 mm (0.63 in)
B: Φ 21.0 mm (0.83 in)
C: 150 mm (5.91 in)
noteInsert and hold 80 mm (3.15 in) from the end of the general purpose pipe into the fuel filler port.
4. Check fuel level on a level ground. If the fuel level is 7/8 of the fuel tank (full or nearly full), draw appropriate amount of fuel from the fuel tank.
Guideline: Draw approximately 15 liters (4 US gal, 3-2/8 Imp gal) from a full-tank condition.
In the event of malfunction in fuel pump, insert a hose measuring 16 mm (0.63 in) in diameter into the filler opening to draw approximately 15 liters (4 US gal, 3-2/8 Imp gal) fuel.
5. Remove second seat.
6. Remove inspection hole cover.
  • Using a screwdriver, remove it by turning clips clockwise by 90 degrees.
7. Disconnect harness connector and quick connector .
: Fuel feed tube
: Fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly
Disconnect quick connector as follows:
  • Hold the sides of connector, push in tabs and pull out fuel feed tube.
    : Pull
  • If quick connector sticks to tube of fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly, push and pull quick connector several times until they start to move. Then disconnect them by pulling.
  • Quick connector can be disconnected when the tabs are completely depressed. Never twist it more than necessary.
    : Connection (cross-section)
    : To under floor fuel line
    : To fuel tank
    : Disconnection
  • Never use any tools to disconnected quick connector.
  • Keep resin tube away from heat. Be especially careful when welding near the resin tube.
  • Prevent acid liquid such as battery electrolyte, etc. from getting on resin tube.
  • Never bend or twist resin tube during installation and disconnection.
  • Never remove the remaining retainer on hard tube (or the equivalent) except when resin tube or retainer is replaced.
  • When resin tube or hard tube (or the equivalent) is replaced, also replace retainer with new one.
  • To keep the connecting portion clean and to avoid damage and foreign materials, cover them completely with plastic bags or something similar.
8. Remove lock ring according to the following instructions:
(1) Install pawl (B) of unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] (A) to the position shown in the figure.
(2) Temporarily tighten mounting bolt (B) of the pawl according to the measurement (R) from the center of unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] (A) to the end of pawl (C).
R: 82 mm (3.23 in)
(3) Set unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] to lock ring and tighten the mounting bolt of the pawl.
(4) Remove lock ring.
  • To prevent lock ring wrench from being detached, securely hold down spinner handle by hand.
  • To reduce impact caused by removal operation, use long spinner handle [handle length: 60 cm (23.62 in) or more] and slowly turn it counterclockwise.
9. Raise fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly.
  • Never bend float arm during removal.
  • Never pollute the inside by residue fuel. Draw out avoiding inclination by supporting with a cloth.
  • Never cause impacts such by dropping when handling components.
10. Separate fuel tube as per the following steps to remove fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly.
  • Disconnect harness connector .
  • Pinch quick connector square-part with your fingers, and pull out the quick connector by hand.
  • If quick connector and tube on sender unit are stuck, push several times until they move, and pull out.
    noteWhen separating the fuel tube, tie a gasoline-resistance rope to the tip of the fuel tube and leave the rope on the fuel tank side to easily pull the fuel tube for installation.
Sub Fuel Level Sensor Assembly
1. Remove fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly.
2. Remove lock ring according to the following instructions:
(1) Install pawl (B) of unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] (A) to the position shown in the figure.
(2) Temporarily tighten mounting bolt (B) of the pawl according to the measurement (R) from the center of unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] (A) to the end of pawl (C).
R: 82 mm (3.23 in)
(3) Set unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] to lock ring and tighten the mounting bolt of the pawl.
(4) Remove lock ring.
  • To prevent lock ring wrench from being detached, securely hold down spinner handle by hand.
  • To reduce impact caused by removal operation, use long spinner handle [handle length: 60 cm (23.62 in) or more] and slowly turn it counterclockwise.
3. Remove sub fuel level sensor assembly .
  • Never disassemble a fuel tube from sub fuel sensor assembly.
  • Never bend float arm during removal.
  • Never pollute the inside by residue fuel. Draw out avoiding inclination by supporting with a cloth.
  • Never cause impacts such by dropping when handling components.
noteTie a gasoline-resistance rope to a tip of the tube. Draw and leave the rope to the fuel tank side so that the rope can be the guide for installation.
Note to the following, and install in the reverse order of removal.
Fuel Level Sensor Unit, Fuel Filter and Fuel Pump Assembly
1. Install new O-ring to fuel tank without any twist.
cautionDo not reuse O-rings.
2. Install the fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly on the fuel tank with the fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly face faced the shown in the figure against the arrow vehicle front.
: Vehicle front
  • Never allow seal packing to drop.
  • Never bend float arm during installing.
3. Install it so that the guard part of the lock ring is at the position shown in the figure with respect to the fuel pump pipe part .
: Vehicle front
4. Install lock ring for fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly with unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0] ( — ) by turning clockwise.
  • Install lock ring horizontally.
  • Turn the lock ring until it is engaged in the fuel tank side as shown in the figure.
5. Connect quick connector of fuel feed tube as per following procedures.
(1) Check the connection for damage or any foreign materials.
(2) Align the connector with the tube, then insert the connector straight into the tube until a “click” sound is heard.
(3) After connecting, check that the connection is secured with following procedures.
  • Visually confirm that the two tabs are connected to the connector.
  • Pull the tube and the connector to check that they are securely connected.
6. Connect harness connector.
Inspection Hole Cover
  • Before installing inspection hole cover, check that the connecting part has no fuel leakage. Refer to InspectionInspection
1. Install inspection hole covers with the front mark (arrow) facing front of vehicle.
2. Lock clips by turning counterclockwise.
Note to the following, and install in the reverse order of removal.
Sub Fuel Level Sensor Assembly
1. Install new O-ring to fuel tank without any twist.
cautionDo not reuse O-rings.
2. Using the rope left on the fuel tank side at removal, run the fuel tube inside the fuel tank to install the sub fuel level sensor assembly to the fuel tank.
  • Never bend float arm during installation.
  • To install, fuel tube must run to the front () of the vehicle to avoid the interference with the float arm , as shown in the figure.
3. Install the sub fuel level sensor assembly on the fuel tank with the fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly face faced the shown in the figure against the arrow vehicle front.
: Vehicle front
  • Never allow seal packing to drop.
  • Never bend float arm during installing.
4. Install lock ring for sub fuel level sensor assembly with unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0 ( — )] by turning clockwise.
  • Install lock ring horizontally.
  • Turn the lock ring until it is engaged in the fuel tank side as shown in the figure.
Fuel Level Sensor Unit, Fuel Filter and Fuel Pump Assembly
1. Install new O-ring to fuel tank without any twist.
cautionDo not reuse O-rings.
2. Connect the fuel tube as per the following steps.
  • Insert the quick connector straight to the fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly.
  • Judge a good fit from connecting sound and tactile feedback.
  • Pull the fuel tube by hand to check a secure fit.
3. Connect harness connector .
4. Install the fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly on the fuel tank with the fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly face faced the shown in the figure against the arrow vehicle front.
: Vehicle front
  • Never allow seal packing to drop.
  • Never bend float arm during installing.
  • To install, fuel tube must run to the front () of the vehicle to avoid the interference with the float arm , as shown in the figure.
5. Install it so that the guard part of the lock ring is at the position shown in the figure with respect to the fuel pump pipe part .
: Vehicle front
6. Install lock ring for fuel level sensor unit, fuel filter and fuel pump assembly with unified fuel lock ring wrench [SST: KV101207S0] ( — ) by turning clockwise.
  • Install lock ring horizontally.
  • Turn the lock ring until it is engaged in the fuel tank side as shown in the figure.
7. Connect quick connector of fuel feed tube as per following procedures.
(1) Check the connection for damage or any foreign materials.
(2) Align the connector with the tube, then insert the connector straight into the tube until a “click” sound is heard.
(3) After connecting, check that the connection is secured with following procedures.
  • Visually confirm that the two tabs are connected to the connector.
  • Pull the tube and the connector to check that they are securely connected.
8. Connect harness connector.
Inspection Hole Cover
  • Before installing inspection hole cover, check that the connecting part has no fuel leakage. Refer to InspectionInspection
1. Install inspection hole covers with the front mark (arrow) facing front of vehicle.
2. Lock clips by turning counterclockwise.