Timing Chain
  • Check timing chain for cracks and any excessive wear at the roller links of timing chain. Replace timing chain if necessary.
Balancer Unit Bolt Outer Diameter
  • Measure outer diameters (D, C) at the two positions as shown.
    A: 30 mm (1.18 in)
    B: 40 mm (1.57 in)
    E: 10 mm (0.39 in)
  • Measure (C) within the range (B).
  • If the value difference [(D) - (C)] exceeds the limit, replace the balancer unit bolt with a new one.
    Limit : 0.15 mm (0. 0059 in) or more
Inspection for Leaks
The following are procedures for checking fluids leak, lubricates leak.
  • Before starting engine, check oil/fluid levels including engine coolant and engine oil. If less than required quantity, fill to the specified level. Refer to Fluids and Lubricants.
  • Use procedure below to check for fuel leakage.
    • Turn ignition switch “ON” (with engine stopped). With fuel pressure applied to fuel piping, check for fuel leakage at connection points.
    • Start engine. With engine speed increased, check again for fuel leakage at connection points.
  • Run engine to check for unusual noise and vibration.
  • Warm up engine thoroughly to check there is no leakage of fuel, or any oil/fluids including engine oil and engine coolant.
  • Bleed air from lines and hoses of applicable lines, such as in cooling system.
  • After cooling down engine, again check oil/fluid levels including engine oil and engine coolant. Refill to the specified level, if necessary.
    Summary of the inspection items:
    ItemsBefore starting engineEngine runningAfter engine stopped
    Engine coolantLevelLeakageLevel
    Engine oilLevelLeakageLevel
    Transmission / transaxle fluidLeakageLevel / LeakageLeakage
    Other oils and fluids*LevelLeakageLevel
    Exhaust gasesLeakage
    *: Power steering fluid, brake fluid, etc.